Episode 4: A New Hope (Or as it was originally called: Star Wars)

What They Did Right


The characters. They’re so iconic.

It has this larger than life feel while being a relatively low-budget film.

The music. It totally sold me on the movie.

There was a tad bit of mystery mixed with a coming-of-age tale and some fantasy elements thrown in with great characters that personified various archetypes of heroes and anti-heroes.

It had heart. You really care about these characters and their stories.

It was a film that changed film.

Many of the movies we have today are because of Star Wars- the barriers it broke down and the technology invented to bring a galaxy far, far away to life. That technology gave us the ability to do what was formally impossible.

You can obviously see Lucas’ passion in this project.

There’s just a feeling when you watch it- like it’s alive and still exciting after 40 years and hundreds of viewings.

Even though the original viewers didn’t have the prequels to explain the how and why things came to be- they were dropped into this epic adventure- and tried to piece together this world.

That opening shot of the Tantive 4 trying to outrun the star destroyer is phenomenal. It must have played out amazing on the big screen.

I think Ben sacrificing himself for the greater good was very meaningful.

I like that Leia being the one who actually seems to know what she’s doing is awesome. If there’s only going to be one main character in the classic trilogy- that’s a girl- then I’m glad it’s Leia.

The way the blue letters come up: A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away- is so iconic and honestly gives me chills.

And the opening crawl is spectacular and different than any other beginning to a movie I’ve ever seen.


It has a lot of great quotes.

Everything in this universe speaks volumes about the state of affairs in the galaxy.

Darth Vader walks into the white hallway at the beginning and you can tell he’s feared.

Tarkin is awesome at being that cool and calculated villain. We get the feeling that he knows Vader’s true identity.

What They Did Wrong

This is hard because I don’t think there’s much wrong with the old trilogy but- here are a few things that are not my favorite…

There are like no girls or women in it. We have Princess Leia- and that’s pretty much it. I mean, we have Luke’s Aunt Beru for a few moments until she gets burnt to a crisp, but that’s it. There may be a few females in the Cantina- but no one we meet… Being a girl who loved Star Wars, that was always something that mildly annoyed me. But I know in 1977 the climate was a little different- so I’m not devastated or irate over this matter.
But, being a girl- I think that we are used to seeing male-led films and that doesn’t necessarily inhibit us from relating to the characters of Han or Luke, or perhaps Vader. I also think that back in the day, women were thought of still mostly as homemakers and the genders were rather segregated still. Men like this, and a woman doesn’t… and it was as if it was a rule that women can’t enjoy sci-fi or superheroes. I’m sincerely glad that’s changed. I find most chick flicks gooey and depressing. Moving on…

Luke is a little whiney- like his father. Don’t get me wrong, I adore Luke. I think he has a big heart and he’s special, and relatable- but he complains a lot… I’m not saying his complaints aren’t valid because they are. His uncle basically sheltered him to the point of smothering him. I realize that he did it for Luke’s own good- but it compounded Luke’s feeling of anxiousness and boredom.

The costumes are a little dull, but it’s an empire. This is done for a reason, to make a point. Everything is monochromatic, and as Lucas said, “fashion has gone out the window.”
In the prequels, the costumes and the ships and buildings were DESIGNED to call attention to themselves. There was craftsmanship involved- but with the classic trilogy- it’s this dark, gloomy world where beings are basically beaten into submission and/ or ruled by fear. I doubt the normal working household makes ten percent of what a high-ranking Imperial officer makes.
No one wants to stand out. No one wants to call attention to themselves. So- again, I’m not mad or upset, it’s just not as pleasing visually.

Since it’s the first movie of its kind- the film is a tad bit slow- but not so much that it tremendously affects the feature.

Since the prequels hadn’t been made or fully formulated when the old trilogy was made, some supposed “plot holes” pop up every so often that people will get passionately obsessed with. But in a way, this is an endearing quirk.

That’s really it though- like I said, I love these movies and there isn’t much I’d change.

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