So, What Order? Intro

What is the right order to watch Star Wars in?
Well… Um… That’s a tough one.
Most people just say 4-6 and the 1-3- followed by The Force Awakens and Rogue One – Which is the chronological order according to release date…
Others used to say 1-6, and then add The Force Awakens and now Rogue One…
Others say watching them in the Machete Order is the best way. This is where you watch 4 and 5, then 2 and 3, then 6. That way you can skip Episode 1 and not have to hear about the Trade Federation and deal with Jar-Jar… which I see their point because I really don’t like 1 either… The blog post that explained all this was written in 2011 though, which means we have to question where the 7-9 Trilogy and Rogue One fit in (also the Han Solo movie and any other anthology film).

To be honest- each mode of thinking on it has its benefits and its drawbacks- if you’ve never seen it, or if you are showing the films to people who for some reason have never seen them (God forbid!).

I’ll explain the ups and downs of each method.